Everything has a purpose.
I am free to do whatever I want — I’m nott being forced into doing anything. I am the only person that can control my limbs, my mind and my body.
So I choose.
This freedom comes with a responsibility — the responsibility of understanding what my purpose is in life, and how you I can employ my abilities towards that purpose (once I’ve decided on something).
That’s why understanding my purpose is so important — and it’s something I spend alot of time thinking about, and revisiting (I still don’t think I spend nearly enough time on it though).
TL;DR: Have a purpose. Dedicate every waking moment to fulfilling it.
Disclaimer: This is a description of my understanding of the verses in the Quran, and not the real true meaning of the verse. My understanding changes over time – I see many things differently than I did 3 years ago, and my understanding can (nay, it should) evolve with time. Think about how your understanding of the role of parents changes as you grow – first as a kid, then a teenager and later as a parent yourself. Your understanding evolves with time. The true meaning of the verses however, does not. I make absolutely no claims that this is in any way a resemblance of the true meaning of the verses. Instead, this is really just meant to be a record for me – a notebook of sorts, where I think over the meaning verses and try to glean valuable lessons with which I hope to apply to better myself.