I’m often quick to identify certain negative traits in other people — this effort, if the net result I wish to achieve is improvement — would be best directed to myself.
It’s always easier to change yourself than to change others. Also, one of the most potent and powerful ways to effect change on others is to set an example. Not just a good example — a great example. One that’s so good, it cannot be ignored.
TL;DR: Be a positive influence.
Disclaimer: This is a description of my understanding of the verses in the Quran, and not the real true meaning of the verse. My understanding changes over time – I see many things differently than I did 3 years ago, and my understanding can (nay, it should) evolve with time. Think about how your understanding of the role of parents changes as you grow – first as a kid, then a teenager and later as a parent yourself. Your understanding evolves with time. The true meaning of the verses however, does not. I make absolutely no claims that this is in any way a resemblance of the true meaning of the verses. Instead, this is really just meant to be a record for me – a notebook of sorts, where I think over the meaning verses and try to glean valuable lessons with which I hope to apply to better myself.